Eurovision Song Contest 2016 Scorecard

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The Eurovision might have tweaked its voting procedure, our scorecards remain the same. We've been using these for seven years now.

Every song should be awarded points (0 - 10) for these 4 categories:

Act How good is the act? (A lot of dancing does not equal a good act, btw. Neither does the absence of a lot of flashy stuff. Does the act fit the song?)
Song How good is the song itself? (Not minding the way it's currently brought.)
Dress Is the singer well dressed? (Men have less options than women in this category, don't judge them too harshly.)
Voice Does the singer have a nice voice, and was it on-key?

During my viewing party we allow the use of half points. (So you can award 9,5 for voice, for example)

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Eurovision Song Contest 2016 Final Scorecard


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Jelle De Loecker